The NAT (National Aptitude Test) is one of the toughest and most challenging examinations that test students’ abilities on multiple levels. It doesn’t matter whether you are a first-timer or someone looking to improve your previous test score, the right preparation for the NAT exam is the key.

In this article, I’ll provide you with the top preparation tips for the NAT exam to help you ace each level of NAT and achieve your test score.

Understanding The Structure of Nat

Before we get into our topic of top preparation tips for NAT, it is essential to understand its structure. The NAT exam consists of various levels that test the different skills and abilities of the students.

Level 1 Basic Aptitude: Level one is basic aptitude which tests the fundamental reasoning and analytical skills of students.

Level 2 Intermediate Aptitude: Level two is an intermediate aptitude test that focuses on more advanced reasoning and problem-solving abilities of students.

Level 3 Advanced Aptitude: Level three is an advanced aptitude test that tests and evaluates higher-order thinking skills and complex problem-solving abilities of the students.

Top Preparation Tips for Nat for Each Level

Level 1 Basic Aptitude

Mastering the Fundamental

Mastering the fundamentals is one of the most crucial parts of clearing the NAT test. Focus on basic math and English skills. Make sure you have a strong hold on basic grammar, vocabulary algebra, and arithmetic.

Enhance your ability of logical thinking by indulging in activities such as solving puzzles and problem-solving games.

Time Management

Create an effective and productive study plan that divides specific time for different topics. This will help you effectively manage your study time while covering all the important topics of the NAT test.

Try taking time-practiced tests to stimulate test conditions to effectively improve your time management skills.

Utilizing Study Guides & Old Test Papers

One of the best ways to clear and master the fundamentals of the NAT test is to utilize study guides such as textbooks and online resources that cover all the fundamentals of NAT.

You can also familiarize yourself with the question format of the NAT by solving and practicing old question papers of NAT exams.

Level 2 Intermediate Aptitude

Utilizing Advanced Resources

One of the best ways to prepare for the NAT exam is to enroll in an online course that focuses on intermediate aptitude skills. There are various institutes such as TLS (Team Language Services) that help prepare students for the toughest language exams such as JLPT & NAT.
Advance Your Knowledge

Equip advanced reasoning techniques by studying techniques for solving logical and more sophisticated analytical problems to enhance your overall aptitude capability.

Focus on more complex mathematical problems to improve your problem-solving abilities this will also help you enhance your data interpretation capabilities.

Mock Test & Review

Taking regular mock tests will help you clearly understand the concepts of NAT tests. This will also help you identify the areas of weakness.

By reviewing your mock test regularly you can find and focus on the areas where you need to improve to clear the NAT test.

Level 3 Advanced Aptitude

Improving Critical Thinking Skills

Challenge yourself with difficult problems that require higher analytical thinking by engaging yourself in high-level problem-solving mock tests.

Expose yourself to a wide range of study materials and resources such as academic journals, past question papers, and so on.

This will help you enhance your overall comprehension and analytical skills.

Seeking Guidance From Experts

Seeking guidance from experts such as a mentor or a tutor who can guide and prepare you for the NAT test by providing you with advanced insights and strategies on how to prepare for the NAT test.

You can also participate in seminars and workshops that focus on advanced aptitude preparation.


Acing the NAT test requires a strategic approach and dedication. It’s only by understanding the concept and structure of the NAT test and following the top preparation tips for NAT that are shared in the article.

One of the other basic yet important things is patience, practice, and consistency. It’s only by practicing regularly, taking regular mock tests, and being consistent with your studies you can hope to improve your skills and ace each level of the NAT exams.

Also Read : JLPT: N5 basic to N1 most advanced